Get the answers to your most frequently asked questions.
Do You Have Questions?
Here is a list of frequently asked questions to help.
1. Why should I get a home warranty?
As appliances and systems in your home age, they inevitably deteriorate, leading to costly repairs and replacements, often amounting to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. A home warranty, especially from a reputable provider like American Service Warranty, offers not just financial relief, but also a sense of security. With a home warranty, you’re relieved from the stress of finding a repair service; American Service Warranty organizes this for you. You might wonder if a home warranty is necessary when you already have homeowners insurance. The answer is YES! Homeowners insurance typically covers damage from events such as fires, theft, or natural disasters, but not the costs for repairing or replacing appliances and systems due to wear and tear or malfunctions. A home warranty plan specifically covers these issues, ensuring protection against the everyday breakdowns and malfunctions.
2. Can a warranty be purchased on a rental property that I own?
Yes. Whether it’s your main home or one among several rental properties you own, there’s a coverage plan suitable for each of your residential properties.
3. Can I purchase a warranty for a property I do not own?
Yes. Please call one of our sales representatives and they will be happy to help.
4. Once I purchase a home warranty when will my coverage begin?
Your coverage will begin 30 days after payment and will expire 1 year from the beginning of the coverage period.
5. If I sell my home can you send me an invoice to use at closing?
Yes. A representative can assist you with this. We will need the property information, and the title company’s fax or email address to assist you.